Modern Sliding Gate Design latest Images, Cost and Automation

Trending Sliding Gate Design Latest Images

Key specs

600 KG
  • Mead steel
  • Exterior HPL 


Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to Gateswale, your go-to place for the latest in gate designs. Today, we’re excited to introduce a sleek and modern sliding gate design that combines style with durability.

sliding gate design latest Images

“Upgrade your home’s entrance with Gateswale’s modern sliding gate design – a perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality.”

Why Choose This Latest Sliding Gate Design?

Our modern sliding gate design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also offers durability and functionality. With high-quality materials and thoughtful design, our gates designs are built to last.

sliding gate design latest with All the details
  • Total Dimensions:

    • Width: 12 feet
    • Height: 6.5 feet
  • Main Frame:  4×2 inch galvanized pipe
  • Inner Filling: 3×1 inch GI pipe
  • Front Look: Exterior HPL sheet with 0.75 x 0.75 inch hollow pipe in a vertical style
  • Back Look: Exterior HPL sheet in a vertical style
Main gate design latest

Pedestal Wicket Gate Design:

We’ve applied the same design concept to our pedestal wicket gate, featuring a combination of HPL slats and 0.75 x 0.75 inch hollow pipe in a vertical style.

Colour Palette:

For a contemporary look, we’ve chosen a darker wooden colour for the HPL sheet and a light black shade for the hollow pipes and frame.

Sliding Gate with Gate Operator

High-Quality Hardware:

  • Bottom Track: High-quality track for smooth sliding
  • Wheels: Double-bearing 20mm sliding gate wheels
  • Support: Teflon roller for added durability

Gate Automation For This Latest Gate Design:

To make your life easier, our sliding gate comes with a gear rack sliding gate operator. And, of course, we always prioritize quality over cost, so don’t forget to install the safety sensor for added security.


Dimension Width: 12.5' Height: 6.5'
Depth: 2"
Gate Weight 600 KG (Approx.)
Gate Material Milled steal | Exterior HPL Milled steal
Gate Wheels 20mm Double bearing Sliding Gate Wheels
Support Roller Teflon Rollers
Bottom Rail 20mm O Profile Bottom Track
Automation DC/AC Power High Speed Gate Operator With 700KG Capacity
Colour Wood

Cost Breakdown for Latest HPL Sliding Gate Design (Estimated)

  • HPL Gate Fabrication cost :- ₹ 80000
  • Gate Paint and Primer :- ₹ 20000
  • Exterior HPL :- 90000
  • Gate Hardware:- ₹ 25000
  • Gate Automation:- ₹ 115000
  • Other Accessories  :- ₹ —

At Gateswale, we believe in providing you with the best quality and design options. Our modern sliding gate with HPL sheet is a perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality. So, why wait? Upgrade your home’s entrance with our stylish sliding gate design today!

Stay tuned to Gateswale for more innovative and stylish gate designs!

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  1. […] new gate design is a perfect example of how contemporary art and practical design can come together to create […]

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